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Basic Carpet Care Tips

Beautiful carpet can be a focal point of your home, but how do you keep it that way? Occasional vacuuming alone unfortunately isn’t enough. To keep your carpet looking good for a long time, you need to make sure you are keeping up with regular carpet maintenance. Don’t get intimidated by the word “regular.” Our team’s simplified the process to make it manageable, even on the busiest of schedules.

Semi-Annually: Deep Clean

Deep cleaning your carpet periodically throughout the year will help it look great and smell fresh. It’s the best way to remove deep down dirt, dust and dander allergens that normal vacuuming leaves behind. This will help to extend the carpet’s life.  Select Rug Doctor® by BISSELL® cleaning solutions contain StainProtect® protector that apply a safe protective coating to your carpet fibers that help prevent future stains.

Weekly: Vacuum

Vacuuming regularly will allow you to pick up dirt and debris before it works its way deep down into the fibers. You should be using a vacuum on your carpet at least once a week and as many as two times a week for high-traffic areas. For the best results, go slowly and occasionally change direction. When vacuuming heavier traffic areas, go over the area 5-7 times, 3-4 times for lower-traffic areas.

As Needed: Stain Removal

When stains occur, it’s necessary to tackle them as soon as you can. The sooner you treat stains, the better results you’ll have. Use one of our carpet spot and stain removers to spray the area where the stain is, and using a clean, damp towel or cloth, gently work the formula into the area using light, scooping strokes from the edges of the area to the center. Once you reach the center, gently pinch in an upward motion and don’t rub the stain. Wait until the carpet has dried and vacuum over the area to pick up any remaining debris that may be left behind.

Installing or replacing carpet is an expensive investment, which is why it’s so important to properly maintain the carpet you have. Get started by finding your nearest BISSELL® by Rug Doctor® rental location today. 

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